Early-bird registration start from "10:00(JST), May 22 (Wed), 2024" and,

Deadline of early-bird registration is "July 19, 2024". Click the button below and fill the "Registration form". Abstracts can be submitted by "Abstract submission form" (Note: Please submit your abstract after registration. To submit an abstract, you will need your ID number, which will be given to you when you complete registration.)

  • Step 1: Click the button below and move to "Registration form".
  • Step 2: Select the appropriate side of the registration fee of "Salaried" or "Nonsalaried".
  • Step 3: Check a "Reception fee" if you participate the reception (Select "Salaried" or "Nonsalaried," whichever you chose above) .
  • Step 4: Check "With alcohol drinks" if you wish to have alcoholic beverages (beer, 地酒(sake), wine, cocktail, shochu highball, etc.) at the reception.
  • Step 5: Fill in "E-mail", "Full Name", "Affiliation" "PI's Name" and "Address".
  • Step 6: Confirm the amount to be paid.
  • Step 7: Read the "Terms and privacy policy" and check "I agree to the terms of the privacy policy." if there are no problems.
  • Step 8: Press "Submit" button and make your payment as instructed.
  • Step 9: Check payment confirmation Email sent by JDRC16 registration office ( jdrc16.payvent@gmail.com).
  • Step10: If you wish to make a presentation, submit it via "Abstract Submission" with your ID number.

*Payment can only be made by credit card. The following card brands can be used.

Salaried (early-bird: ~July 19)8,000 JPY5,000 JPY
Nonsalaried & Student (early-bird: ~July 19)3,000 JPY3,000 JPY
Salaried (late: July 20~)10,000 JPY5,000 JPY
Nonsalaried & Student (late: July 20~)5,000 JPY3,000 JPY
* "With alcohol drinks" = + 1,500 JPY (for all) if you wish to have alcoholic beverages (beer, 地酒(sake), wine, cocktail, shochu highball, etc.) at the reception.

Send e-mail to JDRC16 registration office ( jdrc16.payvent@gmail.com) for cancellations or revisions by July 20, 2024. After this date, any cancellations/revisions/refunds are not possible.